Kniha English Result - Základní - Jednotka 3 - 3D
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 3 - 3D v učebnici English Result Elementary, jako je "mluvit", "portugalština", "rozumět" atd.
to use one's voice to express a particular feeling or thought
mluvit, vyjadřovat
the main language of France that is also spoken in parts of other countries such as Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, etc.
the most common language in the world, originating in England but also the official language of America, Canada, Australia, etc.
the main language in Germany, Austria and parts of Switzerland
němčina, jazyk němčina
the main language in Italy, and in parts of Switzerland
italština, italský jazyk
the Romance language of Portugal and Brazil
portugalština, jazyk portugalština
to know something's meaning, particularly something that someone says
rozumět, pochopit