Kniha Total English - Předstředně pokročilý - Lekce 12 – Lekce 2
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Unit 12 - Lesson 2 v učebnici Total English Pre-Intermediate, jako je „grant“, „take part“, „stipendium“ atd.
an amount of money given by the government or another organization for a specific purpose
dotace, příspěvek
a sum of money that is borrowed from a bank which should be returned with a certain rate of interest
půjčka, úvěr
anything that is given as a reward to someone who has done very good work or to the winner of a contest, game of chance, etc.
cena, odměna
a sum of money given by an educational institution to someone with great ability in order to financially support their education
stipendium, grant
the money that is paid to a professional or an organization for their services
poplatek, honorář