500 Häufigste Englische Adverbien - Top 476 - 500 Adverbien
Hier finden Sie Teil 20 der Liste der gebräuchlichsten Adverbien im Englischen wie „outward“, „stupidly“ und „awfully“.
in a way that is according to a thorough and efficient plan or system
systematisch, in systematischer Weise
in a manner that becomes increasingly faster
exponentiell, im exponentiellen Wachstum
as a second choice or another possibility
als andere Möglichkeit, ersatzweise
in a way that shows an easily distinguishable quality
deutlich, eindeutig
in a manner characterized by a lack of intelligence, common sense, or good judgment
stupid, dumm
in a manner that is based on emotions rather than reasoning
intuitiv, auf intuitive Weise
at the present time, with the understanding that the current situation or decision may be changed in the near future
im Moment, gerade jetzt
used when an event or performance is happening at the present moment or being broadcast in real-time
live, in Echtzeit
in a manner that lacks enough care or attention
sorglos, nachlässig
in, at, or pointing toward a lower level or position
nach unten, abwärts
in a manner that shows one is inclined or happy to do something
bereitwillig, gerne
in a manner that is marked by careful attention to details
meticulous, gründlich
in a manner that is extraordinarily good or satisfactory
fantastisch, außerordentlich
in an unexpected manner that resembles a miracle
wundersam, auf wunderbare Weise