Tiere - Tropische und exotische Vögel
Hier lernen Sie die Namen tropischer und exotischer Vögel auf Englisch wie „Papagei“, „Elster“ und „Tukan“.
a bird with a drill-like beak that makes holes in trees in search of insects to feed on

Specht, Spechte

a medium-sized bird with a grayish-brown plumage that lays its eggs in the nests of other birds


a small Australian parrot with gray plumage and a yellow crest

Nymphensittich, Kakadus

a large long-tailed parrot with colorful feathers and a long tail originally from Central and South America

Arakanga, Papagei

a tribe of small to mid-sized parrots originally from Australia with a brush-like tongue used for feeding on nectar

Lori, Loriquet

a tropical American bird with black plumage and a large colorful bill that feeds on fruits


a tropical bird with a very large beak that curves downwards, the male of which often keeps the female inside the nest

Hornvogel, Tukan

a very small African or Madagascan parrot with gray or green plumage that is noted for showing affection for its mate

Liebesvogel, Unzertrennliche

a small Australian bird of the parrot family that is green in the wild but has been bred in many colors

Wellensittich, Sittich

a tropical bird with bright colors and a curved beak that can be trained to mimic human speech


a small long-tailed parrot that feeds on seeds and has green, yellow and black plumage

Wellensittich, Sittich

a small bird with narrow wings that flies high in the sky and is very fast

Mauersegler, Schwalbe

a small bird with black plumage and an orange beak that is found in Eurasia and Northern Africa


a nocturnal North American bird of the nightjar family with a loud call that is its namesake

Nachtschwalbe, Nachtvogel

a large Eurasian thrush with a spotted breast that feeds on mistletoe berries


a pinkish bird with a large crest and a long curved beak and black-and-white wings and tail

Wiedehopf, Hupe

a Eurasian bird of the rail family, with a loud call and no tail that makes its nest on the ground

Wachtelkönig, Wachtel

a small tropical bird with colorful plumage and a long narrow bill that can sip nectar and hover or fly backwards

Kolibri, Schnabeltier

a mid-sized nocturnal bird with a long tail, long wings and large eyes that has short legs and a short beak

Nachtjar, Nachtkauz

a small, colorful bird found in tropical forests known for its vibrant plumage and unique courtship displays

Männchen, Manakin (Vogel)

a colorful, medium-sized bird found in tropical and subtropical regions, known for its vibrant plumage and distinctive perching behavior

Trogon, Trogon (Vogel)

a medium-sized bird found in the Americas, characterized by its distinctive plumage and aggressive defense of its territory

Königsvogel, Vogel des Königs

a large, white parrot native to Australia and New Guinea, known for its striking yellow crest and sociable nature

Schwefelkopfkakadu, Schwefelcrested Kakadu

a medium-sized cockatoo native to Australia, characterized by its distinct pink underparts and white upperparts


a small European songbird that is migratory with black-and-white plumage, which nests under roofs

Mauersegler, Hausseglervogel

a black-and-white crow with a long tail that is noted for its intelligence

Elster, Schwarzkopf

a highly intelligent and renowned species of parrot native to West and Central Africa

afrikanischer Graupapagei, Grauer Papagei aus Afrika

a diverse group of parrot species native to the Americas, known for their vibrant plumage and strong vocalizations

Amazonas, Amazonenpapagei

a seabird species found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, recognized by its striking red tail feathers and long, pointed beak

roteilerschnepfe, roter Schwanz Tropikvogel

a group of medium-sized, black-plumaged birds belonging to the family Crotophagidae, known for their distinctively long tails and raucous calls

Ani, schwarzer Ani

a small bird with vibrant red plumage, native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia

avadavat, vogel avadavat

a group of small to medium-sized birds known for their sociable behavior and melodious vocalizations

Schnatterer, Babbler

a vibrant North American bird species with striking orange and black plumage, known for its distinctive woven nests

Baltimore-Oriole, leuchtender Oriolus

a type of colorful bird with a stout body, strong bill, and distinctive vocalizations

Barbet, Bartvogel

a brightly colored bird with a slender body and pointed bill, known for its aerial hunting of bees and other flying insects

Bienenfresser, Bienenfresservogel

a small New Zealand bird known for its vibrant plumage and melodic song

Glockenvogel, Bellbird

a small migratory songbird found in Europe, known for its distinctive black cap and melodious singing

Schwarzmütze, schwarzschnabel

a unique bird species found in parts of Australia and New Guinea, characterized by its distinctive, broad beak resembling the shape of a boat

Bootsschnabelvogel, Bootschnabel

a bird characterized by its broad, flattened bill, typically found in tropical regions and known for its agile flight and insect-catching capabilities

Breitbill, Schwalben

a bird found in Central and South America, known for its striking appearance and communal nesting behavior,


a small bird species characterized by its ability to twist its neck in a peculiar manner, found in parts of Europe and Asia

Würger, Wacholderdrossel

a small bird species with a distinctive ability to climb vertical surfaces, such as cliffs and walls, using its specialized feet and beak

Wandkrabbler, Klettervogel

a large bird species known for its distinctively broad and drooping crest resembling an open umbrella

Regenschirmvogel, Schirmvogel

a colorful bird species found in sub-Saharan Africa, known for its vibrant plumage, prominent crest, and distinctive vocalizations

Turako, Turako

a colorful bird species found in the Americas, known for its vibrant plumage, melodious songs, and important ecological role in seed dispersal

Tangare, Tangare

a small songbird known for its unique ability to sew leaves together to create nests, using plant fibers and spider silk

Schneidervogel, Sänger Schneider

a colorful bird species known for its vibrant plumage, long tail feathers, and cultural significance in Mesoamerican civilizations

Quetzal, Quetzalvogel

a bird species characterized by its stocky body, large head, and stout beak

Puffvogel, puffbird (Vogel)

a nocturnal bird species that possesses excellent echolocation abilities and feeds primarily on oil-rich palm fruits

Ölpapagei, Öl-Vogel

a bird species found in the tropical regions of the Americas, known for its distinctive, colorful plumage and the unique racket-tipped tail feathers


a bird species found in the tropical regions of the Americas, known for its vibrant plumage, long bills, and exceptional aerial hunting skills


a small bird species known for its slender build, long curved bill, and specialized feeding on nectar from flowers

Kolibri, Nektarvogel

a bird species known for its distinctive appearance, including a stocky body, large head, wide beak, and nocturnal hunting behavior

Froschmaul, Froschvogel

a species of flycatcher native to tropical regions of the Americas, characterized by its vibrant scarlet and black feather

Feuerbird, Feuervogel

a large bird species native to the wetlands of Africa, characterized by its unique shoe-shaped bill and blue-gray plumage

Schuhschnabel, Schuhvogel

a bird species native to South America, characterized by its long legs, loud vocalizations, and a carnivorous diet that includes small animals and insects


a type of woodpecker known for its distinctive behavior of drilling sap wells in tree bark to feed on sap and attract insects


a large bird species found in Africa, characterized by its distinctive red and yellow bill with a saddle-shaped marking

Sattelreiher, Saddlebill

a group of colorful parrots native to Australia, recognized for their bright plumage, distinctive crest, and playful personalities

Rosella, Rosa-Papagei