الحيوانات - الطيور الاستوائية والغريبة
هنا سوف تتعلم أسماء الطيور الاستوائية والغريبة باللغة الإنجليزية مثل "الببغاء"، و"العقعق"، و"الطوقان".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a bird with a drill-like beak that makes holes in trees in search of insects to feed on
نقار الخشب, الطيور النقارة
a medium-sized bird with a grayish-brown plumage that lays its eggs in the nests of other birds
a small Australian parrot with gray plumage and a yellow crest
ببغاء, كوكتيل
a large long-tailed parrot with colorful feathers and a long tail originally from Central and South America
الببغاء, المكاو
a tribe of small to mid-sized parrots originally from Australia with a brush-like tongue used for feeding on nectar
لوريكيت, طائر لوري
a tropical American bird with black plumage and a large colorful bill that feeds on fruits
a tropical bird with a very large beak that curves downwards, the male of which often keeps the female inside the nest
بوقير, تُوقان
a very small African or Madagascan parrot with gray or green plumage that is noted for showing affection for its mate
طائر الحب, طيور الحب
a small Australian bird of the parrot family that is green in the wild but has been bred in many colors
الببغاء الأسترالي, طائر البودجرغار
a tropical bird with bright colors and a curved beak that can be trained to mimic human speech
an Australian songbird of the parrot family with a brightly colored crest
a small long-tailed parrot that feeds on seeds and has green, yellow and black plumage
بَبَّغاء صغير, بَبَّغاء ذي ذيل طويل
a small bird with narrow wings that flies high in the sky and is very fast
السرعة, الطائر السريع
a small bird with black plumage and an orange beak that is found in Eurasia and Northern Africa
العصفور الأسود
a nocturnal North American bird of the nightjar family with a loud call that is its namesake
طائر البوم, طائر الليل
a large Eurasian thrush with a spotted breast that feeds on mistletoe berries
a pinkish bird with a large crest and a long curved beak and black-and-white wings and tail
الهدهد, هدهد
a Eurasian bird of the rail family, with a loud call and no tail that makes its nest on the ground
دٌجَاجَةُ الرِّيَاضِ, دجاجة الكرنكر
a small tropical bird with colorful plumage and a long narrow bill that can sip nectar and hover or fly backwards
طائر الطنان, طائر النحل
a mid-sized nocturnal bird with a long tail, long wings and large eyes that has short legs and a short beak
طائر الليل, خفافيش الليل
a small, colorful bird found in tropical forests known for its vibrant plumage and unique courtship displays
ماناكن, طائر ماناكن
a colorful, medium-sized bird found in tropical and subtropical regions, known for its vibrant plumage and distinctive perching behavior
تروغون, تروغون (طائر)
a medium-sized bird found in the Americas, characterized by its distinctive plumage and aggressive defense of its territory
طائر الملك, الطائر الملكي
a large, white parrot native to Australia and New Guinea, known for its striking yellow crest and sociable nature
كوكاتو ذو القمة الكبريتية, ببغاء ذو القمة الصفراء
a medium-sized cockatoo native to Australia, characterized by its distinct pink underparts and white upperparts
a small European songbird that is migratory with black-and-white plumage, which nests under roofs
عصفور بيت, عصفور أمد
a black-and-white crow with a long tail that is noted for its intelligence
غراب, غُرَابه
a highly intelligent and renowned species of parrot native to West and Central Africa
الببغاء الرمادي الأفريقي, ببغاء أفريقي رمادي
a diverse group of parrot species native to the Americas, known for their vibrant plumage and strong vocalizations
أمازون, ببغاء أمازوني
a seabird species found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, recognized by its striking red tail feathers and long, pointed beak
طيور المناطق الاستوائية ذات الذيل الأحمر, طائر استوائي ذو ذيل أحمر
a group of medium-sized, black-plumaged birds belonging to the family Crotophagidae, known for their distinctively long tails and raucous calls
أني, أني الأسود
a small bird with vibrant red plumage, native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia
أفادافا, طائر الأفادافا
a group of small to medium-sized birds known for their sociable behavior and melodious vocalizations
ثرثار, بابلر
a vibrant North American bird species with striking orange and black plumage, known for its distinctive woven nests
أوريوس بالتيمور, أوريو ملون
a type of colorful bird with a stout body, strong bill, and distinctive vocalizations
باربيت, طائر باربيت
a brightly colored bird with a slender body and pointed bill, known for its aerial hunting of bees and other flying insects
نحلة, طائر النحل
a small New Zealand bird known for its vibrant plumage and melodic song
طائر الجرس, العصفور الجرس
a small migratory songbird found in Europe, known for its distinctive black cap and melodious singing
العصفور الأسود, العصفور المغرد
a unique bird species found in parts of Australia and New Guinea, characterized by its distinctive, broad beak resembling the shape of a boat
طائر منقار القارب, طائر منقار عريض
a bird characterized by its broad, flattened bill, typically found in tropical regions and known for its agile flight and insect-catching capabilities
طائر ذو منقار عريض, بطريق
a bird found in Central and South America, known for its striking appearance and communal nesting behavior,
a small bird species characterized by its ability to twist its neck in a peculiar manner, found in parts of Europe and Asia
طيور اللفظ, العنقاء
a small bird species with a distinctive ability to climb vertical surfaces, such as cliffs and walls, using its specialized feet and beak
طائر متسلق, مخالف جدران
a large bird species known for its distinctively broad and drooping crest resembling an open umbrella
طائر مظلة, عصفور مظلة
a colorful bird species found in sub-Saharan Africa, known for its vibrant plumage, prominent crest, and distinctive vocalizations
توراكو, طائر توريكو
a colorful bird species found in the Americas, known for its vibrant plumage, melodious songs, and important ecological role in seed dispersal
التانجر, طائر تانجر
a small songbird known for its unique ability to sew leaves together to create nests, using plant fibers and spider silk
طائر الخياط, عصفور الخياط
a colorful bird species known for its vibrant plumage, long tail feathers, and cultural significance in Mesoamerican civilizations
كويتزال, طائر كويتزال
a bird species characterized by its stocky body, large head, and stout beak
طائر باف, طائر الدخان
a nocturnal bird species that possesses excellent echolocation abilities and feeds primarily on oil-rich palm fruits
طائر الزيت, زقزوق الزيت
a bird species found in the tropical regions of the Americas, known for its distinctive, colorful plumage and the unique racket-tipped tail feathers
موت موت
a bird species found in the tropical regions of the Americas, known for its vibrant plumage, long bills, and exceptional aerial hunting skills
a small bird species known for its slender build, long curved bill, and specialized feeding on nectar from flowers
طائر الطنان, هُدْهُد الطُّنان
a bird species known for its distinctive appearance, including a stocky body, large head, wide beak, and nocturnal hunting behavior
فم الضفدع, طائر فم الضفدع
a species of flycatcher native to tropical regions of the Americas, characterized by its vibrant scarlet and black feather
طائر النار, طائر النار اللامع
a large bird species native to the wetlands of Africa, characterized by its unique shoe-shaped bill and blue-gray plumage
طائر الحذاء, البجعة العمياء
a bird species native to South America, characterized by its long legs, loud vocalizations, and a carnivorous diet that includes small animals and insects
a type of woodpecker known for its distinctive behavior of drilling sap wells in tree bark to feed on sap and attract insects
صانعة عصارة
a large bird species found in Africa, characterized by its distinctive red and yellow bill with a saddle-shaped marking
عصفور السَندَان, سدل
a group of colorful parrots native to Australia, recognized for their bright plumage, distinctive crest, and playful personalities
روزيلة, ببغاء وردي
a bird species known for the striking appearance of the male with its glossy black plumage and elaborate courtship display
طائر البندقية