Das Buch English File - Obere Mittelstufe - Lektion 3B
Hier finden Sie das Vokabular aus Lektion 3B im English File Upper Intermediate-Kursbuch, wie zum Beispiel „ideal“, „basically“, „hardly“ usw.
used to emphasize a fact or the truth of a situation
tatsächlich, eigentlich
to an extent or degree that is greater than usual
insbesondere, besonders
used to refer to the conclusion or outcome of a situation or event
letztendlich, schlussendlich
used to introduce a statement that provides additional information or emphasizes the truth or reality of a situation
tatsächlich, in der Tat
after or at the end of a series of events or an extended period
in a simple or fundamental manner, without concern for less important details
used to convey that something seems to be true based on the available evidence or information
offensichtlich, scheinbar
used to show that one completely agrees with something
sicherlich, gewiss
in a way that is easily understandable or noticeable
offensichtlich, einleuchtend