Das Buch Top Notch 3B - Einheit 7 – Lektion 1
Hier finden Sie das Vokabular aus Einheit 7 – Lektion 1 im Top Notch 3B-Kursbuch, wie zum Beispiel „gedenken“, „parade“, „aufbrechen“ usw.
to recall and show respect for an important person, event, etc. from the past with an action or in a ceremony

a period of time away from home or work, typically to relax, have fun, and do activities that one enjoys

Ferien, Urlaub

(usually plural) a small thing containing explosive powder that produces bright colors and a loud noise when it explodes or burns, mostly used at celebrations

Feuerwerk, Pyrotechnik

a public event where people or vehicles orderly move forward, particularly to celebrate a holiday or special day

Parade, Umzug

an occasion when we pack food and take it to eat outdoors, typically in the countryside

to speak to God or a deity, often to ask for help, express gratitude, or show devotion

beten, flehen

to have a person, letter, or package physically delivered from one location to another, specifically by mail

a piece of thick, stiff paper, often rectangular, used for sending messages, greetings, or invitations

Karte, Kartenstück

something that we give to someone because we like them, especially on a special occasion, or to say thank you
