Medizinische Wissenschaft - Nierentest
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Nierentests, wie zum Beispiel „Zystoskopie“, „Urinanalyse“ und „Albumin“.
a measure of how effectively the kidneys filter waste products from the blood, which is used to assess kidney function and overall health

glomeruläre Filtrationsrate, Glomeruli-Filterrate

a diagnostic test examining a urine sample for health indicators and abnormalities

Urinuntersuchung, Urinanalyse

a procedure that uses a thin tube with a light and camera to visually examine the bladder


a medical procedure that involves using a small, flexible tube to examine and treat problems in the ureter, the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder


a medical test that measures the body's ability to excrete acid and assesses kidney function by monitoring changes in urinary pH levels in response to an acid load

Säurebelastungstest, Säureladeprüfung

a medical test that measures the amount of albumin, a type of protein, in the urine to screen for kidney damage

Mikroalbumin-Test im Urin, Mikroalbumintest

an imaging test using contrast dye and X-rays to examine the urinary system

intravenöses Pyelogramm, intravenöse Pyelographie

a common medical test that measures the levels of creatinine, a waste product from muscle metabolism, in the blood to assess kidney function and monitor renal health

Kreatinin-Test, Kreatinin-Analyse

a test that measures the levels of albumin, a type of protein, in the blood to assess liver and kidney function, nutritional status, and overall health

Albumintest im Blut, Bluttest auf Albumin