Das Buch Total English - Untere Mittelstufe - Einheit 9 – Lektion 1
Hier finden Sie das Vokabular aus Einheit 9 – Lektion 1 im Total English Pre-Intermediate-Kursbuch, wie zum Beispiel „eifersüchtig“, „Kandidat“, „ankündigen“ usw.
perfect or idealistic, often in a romantic or nostalgic sense
idyllisch, paradiesisch
feeling angry and unhappy because someone else has what we want
to make or have an image of something in our mind
vorstellen, einbilden
to make something known publicly, usually for commercial purposes
werben, anzeigen
to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety
sich kümmern
someone who is competing in an election or for a job position
Kandidat, Kandidatin
to ask someone questions to see whether they are qualified for a course of study, job, etc.
interviewen, ein Vorstellungsgespräch führen
to make plans or decisions known by officially telling people about them
very necessary for a particular purpose or situation
wesentlich, unverzichtbar
a range of things or people with the same general features but different in some details
a specific course of action that is performed in order to accomplish a certain objective
Prozess, Verfahren
to exchange information, news, ideas, etc. with someone
kommunizieren, mitteilen
an attempt to do something, particularly something demanding
Anstrengung, Versuch