Boken Total English - Förberedande nivå - Enhet 9 – Lektion 1
Här hittar du vokabulären från enhet 9 - Lektion 1 i Total English Pre-Intermediate-kursboken, som "avundsjuk", "kandidat", "annonsera" osv.
to make something known publicly, usually for commercial purposes

annonssera, meddela

to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety

ta hand om, sköta om

someone who is competing in an election or for a job position

kandidat, kandidatin

to ask someone questions to see whether they are qualified for a course of study, job, etc.

intervjua, föra en intervju

to make plans or decisions known by officially telling people about them

annonserar, förklara

a range of things or people with the same general features but different in some details

variation, typ

a specific course of action that is performed in order to accomplish a certain objective

process, förfarande