Adjektive für Eigenschaften von Dingen - Adjektive des Materials
Diese Adjektive beschreiben die spezifische Art oder Zusammensetzung der Materialien, aus denen etwas besteht, und vermitteln Attribute wie „metallisch“, „hölzern“ usw.
originating from or created by nature, not made or caused by humans
natürlich, echt
produced artificially, typically based on its natural version
synthetisch, künstlich
made by humans rather than occurring naturally in nature
künstlich, falsch
created by molding clay into a desired shape and then baking the clay at a high temperature to harden it
keramisch, aus Keramik
made or consisting of plastic, a substance produced in a chemical process
aus Kunststoff, plastisch
covered with or made of a valuable yellow metal called gold
goldfarben, aus Gold
covered with or made of a valuable grayish-white metal named silver
silbern, aus Silber
made of a hard material that forms the branches and trunks of trees
holz, hölzern
made of acrylic, a synthetic material used in various applications
covered with or made of a reddish-brown metal named bronze
aus Bronze, bronzefarbig