Allgemeines Training IELTS (Band 8 und Höher) - Hobbys und Routinen
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Hobbys und Routinen, die für die General Training IELTS-Prüfung erforderlich sind.
the performance of plays, typically in theatre and by non-professional actors, often as a hobby or for recreational purposes rather than for financial gain

Amateurdramaturgie, Amateurtheater

the activity of wearing a costume similar to that of a character from a movie, video game, or book

Cosplay, Kostümspiel

the skills that are needed for surviving outdoors, particularly in the wilderness

Feldhandwerk, Überlebenstechniken

the process of artfully constructing something by means of different objects that are easily accessible


the art or process of carving an artistic shape or pattern on a hard material

Gravur, Einschneiden

the activity or art of decorating trees or bushes by trimming them down into various designs

Topiary, Topiarienkunst

the craft of creating fabric using yarn and a crochet hook

Häkeln, Kunst des Häkelns

the quality of being consistent, steady, or predictable in occurrence or pattern

Regelmäßigkeit, Konstanz

a schedule or rotation specifying when individuals are assigned to perform certain duties

Dienstplan, Roster