Allgemeines Training IELTS (Band 8 und Höher) - Negative emotionale Reaktionen
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit negativen emotionalen Reaktionen, die für die General Training IELTS-Prüfung erforderlich sind.
extremely unpleasant and deserving revulsion or strong hatred
abscheulich, widernatürlich
causing a feeling of unease, discomfort, or reluctance
abstoßend, unbehaglich
making one feel worried about something
beunruhigend, besorgniserregend
causing uneasiness, anxiety, or disturbance
störend, beunruhigend
causing annoyance or weariness due to its dull or repetitive nature
ärgerlich, langweilig
causing extreme anxiety, stress, or tension
nervenaufreibend, anstrengend
causing extreme fear, shock, or disgust, especially due to the presence of violence, cruelty, or horror
grauenvoll, abscheulich
possessing a poignant, sentimental, or eerie quality that evokes strong emotions, memories, or feelings
eindrucksvoll, unheimlich
causing strong dislike, aversion, or distaste
abstoßend, widerwärtig
causing extreme emotional distress, despair, or a profound sense of hopelessness
seelentrübend, seelenzerstörend
extremely sad or unfortunate, often because of a terrible event or circumstances
characterized by a deep, lingering sadness or sorrow
causing a loss of confidence, hope, or enthusiasm
demoralisierend, demoralisierende
deserving of pity, regret, or disappointment
bedauerlich, kläglich
causing concern or disappointment
enttäuschend, besorgniserregend
boring and repetitive that makes one feel unhappy
langweilig, monoton
experiencing or expressing severe physical or emotional pain
qualvoll, leidend
boring and repetitive, often causing frustration or weariness due to a lack of variety or interest
langweilig, mühsam
boring because of being the same thing all the time
monoton, langweilig
extremely shocking, dreadful, or terrible in a way that causes strong feelings fear
schrecklich, entsetzlich
causing strong feelings of dislike, disgust, or hatred
abscheulich, abstoßend
shocking or disgraceful, often involving immoral or unethical behavior
skandalös, skandalös
causing a strong feeling of disgust or dislike, making one want to avoid or reject something or someone
abstoßend, widerlich
overly impressive in size or appearance, often to the point of being excessive or showy in a negative way
grandios, prächtig
causing extreme anxiety, stress, or tension
nervenaufreibend, stressig
causing a feeling of discomfort, anxiety, or fear due to being in confined places
having or showing a strong desire for revenge
rächerisch, vergeltungsbereit