Akademisches IELTS (Band 5 und Darunter) - Positive Gefühle
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit positiven Emotionen, die für die grundlegende akademische IELTS-Prüfung erforderlich sind.
the very strong emotion we have for someone or something that is important to us and we like a lot and want to take care of

the feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that someone experiences from an activity, a thing or a situation

Vergnügen, Genuss

a general tendency to look on the bright side of things and to expect positive outcomes


a feeling of admiration or surprise caused by something that is very unusual and exciting

Wunder, Staunen

a feeling caused by being away from dangers, worries, or fears

Sicherheit, Geborgenheit

a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen or to be true
