Bildung - Zuordnungen
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Aufgaben wie „Hausaufgaben“, „Dissertation“ und „Extra Credit“.
a piece of writing that briefly analyzes or discusses a specific subject
a written piece of work that expresses thoughts, ideas, arguments, or analyses on a particular topic or subject
Komposition, Schriftstück
an official document written by a group or an individual who studied a particular subject, containing the findings
Bericht, Report
an additional academic opportunity offered to students to improve their grades by completing supplementary assignments or tasks beyond the regular requirements
Zusatzpunkte, Extra Kredit
a particular task involving careful study of a subject, done by school or college students
a piece of work for someone to do, especially as an assignment
Aufgabe, Arbeit
a series of questions in a book set to test one's knowledge or skill
Übung, Aufgabe
the academic tasks, assignments, or activities assigned to students by teachers or educational institutions
Schularbeit, Hausaufgaben
tasks that are given to students to do in class, and not at home
Klassenarbeit, Aufgaben im Unterricht
a long piece of writing on a particular subject that a university student presents in order to get an advanced degree
a collaborative assignment in which multiple individuals work together to achieve a common goal or complete a task
Gruppenprojekt, Projektarbeit
a final assignment where students use what they have learned to complete a big project or solve a problem
Abschlussprojekt, Capstone-Projekt
a brief document outlining the main ideas or proposals for a project or research study
Konzeptpapier, Konzeption
a scholarly document presenting findings from an investigation or study on a particular topic
Forschungsarbeit, wissenschaftliches Papier
a written piece that expresses the writer's thoughts and insights on a particular topic or experience
Reflexionspapier, Reflexionsarbeit
an original piece of writing on a particular subject that a candidate for a university degree presents based on their research
a recorded analysis of a person, group, event or situation over a length of time
Fallstudie, Fallanalyse