a sport where two teams aim to land discs on each other's court sections

Doppeldisckortr, Doppeldiskplatz

the sport or activity of attempting to catch a disc thrown at them without letting it hit the ground

guts, guts Spiel

a throw in flying disc sports where the disc is released with its outer edge tilted downward, causing it to curve left or right

Hyzershot, Hyzerwurf

(flying disc sport) a throw where the disc is released with its outer edge tilted upward relative to the ground

Anhyzer, Anhyzer-Wurf

a non-contact team sport played with a flying disc where players score points by catching the disc in the opposing team's end zone

Ultimate Frisbee, Ultimate Frisk

a sport or activity where players throw a flying disc into a series of baskets, aiming to complete each hole in the fewest throws

Disc Golf, Scheibengolf

a discipline in flying disc where athletes perform tricks and routines with a flying disc, emphasizing creativity and skill

Flugscheibensport, freestyle mit fliegenden Disc

the initial throw to start a game or point in ultimate frisbee

der Eröffnungswurf, der erste Wurf

a defensive maneuver in frisbee where a player guards the thrower closely to prevent easy throws

Markierung, Verteidigung

(flying disc sport) the act of a player diving horizontally to catch or intercept the disc

Sprung, Abtauchen

(disc golf) the act of completing a hole with a single throw, landing the disc directly in the target

ein Ace, ein Direktschuss