Medien und Kommunikation - Menschen in sozialen Medien
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter, die sich auf Menschen in sozialen Medien beziehen, wie zum Beispiel „vlogger“, „admin“ und „surfer“.
an individual who has gained a significant level of fame, popularity, or influence through their activities, content, or presence on the Internet
![Internetberühmtheit, Influencer im Internet](
Internetberühmtheit, Influencer im Internet
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someone who is active on YouTube by creating content for it
![YouTuber, Content Creator auf YouTube](
YouTuber, Content Creator auf YouTube
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a person who regularly updates a blog or a social media account by short videos
![Vlogger, Videoblogger](
Vlogger, Videoblogger
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someone who encourages other people to purchase a product or service by talking about it on social media
![Influencer, Meinungsführer](
Influencer, Meinungsführer
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an individual responsible for overseeing and managing an organization's or individual's social media presence, including creating content, engaging with the audience, monitoring performance, and implementing social media strategies
![Social Media Manager, Leiter der sozialen Medien](
Social Media Manager, Leiter der sozialen Medien
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an individual who produces and publishes various forms of content, such as videos, articles, graphics, or social media posts, with the purpose of engaging and attracting an audience on digital platforms
![Inhaltsersteller, Content-Produzent](
Inhaltsersteller, Content-Produzent
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an individual or organization that promotes a product, service, or message through various marketing and advertising channels to reach and influence the target audience
![Werbetreibender, Reklamemacher](
Werbetreibender, Reklamemacher
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a professional who is responsible for strategizing and deciding how and where to place advertising and promotional messages to effectively reach the target audience
![Medienplaner, Medienverantwortlicher](
Medienplaner, Medienverantwortlicher
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an individual who interacts with a particular system, platform, or service, such as a website, application, or social media platform
![Benutzer, Benutzerin](
Benutzer, Benutzerin
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a person who spends a lot of time online navigating through different websites
![Surfer, Internetbenutzer](
Surfer, Internetbenutzer
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an individual who has chosen to follow or subscribe to a particular user, page, or channel
![Abonnent, Teilnehmer](
Abonnent, Teilnehmer
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an individual who leaves comments or feedback on social media posts to engage with the content and interact with other users
![Kommentator, Kommentatorin](
Kommentator, Kommentatorin
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a group of individuals who receive, consume, or engage with a particular form of media, such as television shows, films, performances, or social media content
![Publikum, Zuschauer](
Publikum, Zuschauer
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an individual or organization that creates and supplies original content, such as articles, videos, or audio, for distribution or publication on various media platforms, including websites, social media, or broadcasting channels
![Inhaltsanbieter, Content-Anbieter](
Inhaltsanbieter, Content-Anbieter
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someone who manages and oversees a page, group, or account on social media, controlling content and interactions
![Administrator, Manager](
Administrator, Manager
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