Βιβλίο English Result - Προ-ενδιάμεσο - Ενότητα 3 - 3Β
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από την Ενότητα 3 - 3Β στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων English Result Pre-Intermediate, όπως "σταυρόλεξο", "dinner", "read" κ.λπ.
the fact that one is able or possesses the necessary skills or means to do something
a board made of paper or wood with a picture on it, cut into multiple irregular pieces, designed to be scrambled and put back together again
to form, produce, or prepare something, by putting parts together or by combining materials
a musical instrument, usually with six strings, that we play by pulling the strings with our fingers or with a plectrum
a game played on a table by two or four players who bounce a small ball on the table over a net using special rackets
a strategic two-player board game where players move pieces with different abilities across a board with the objective of capturing the opponent's king
an image that shows where things like countries, seas, cities, roads, etc. are in an area
a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to
to sit on open-spaced vehicles like motorcycles or bicycles and be in control of their movements
an animal that is large, has a tail and four legs, and we use for racing, pulling carriages, riding, etc.
a camera that captures an image as digital data that can be kept and viewed on a computer
a number puzzle consisting of nine large squares each divided into nine smaller squares that must be filled with the numbers one to nine, without repeating any of them in the same square, column, or row