Βιβλίο Interchange - Προ-ενδιάμεσο - Ενότητα 7 - Μέρος 1
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από την Ενότητα 7 - Μέρος 1 στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων Interchange Pre-Intermediate, όπως "πρόσκληση", "πλυντήριο", "καιρός" κ.λπ.
a period when no work or essential tasks need to be done, allowing for activities of personal choice
to discover information about something or someone by looking, asking, or investigating
websites and applications enabling users to share content and build communities on their smartphones, computers, etc.
a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to
to activate a device, such as a disc or music player, to produce audio or display recorded images
people that are related to each other by blood or marriage, normally made up of a father, mother, and their children
an electronic device with a screen that receives television signals, on which we can watch programs
an examination that consists of a set of questions, exercises, or activities to measure someone’s knowledge, skill, or ability
to do certain physical or mental activities in order to achieve a result or as a part of our job
a journey that you take for fun or a particular reason, generally for a short amount of time
a span of time which we do not work or go to school, and spend traveling or resting instead, particularly in a different city, country, etc.