Επιρρήματα Αποτελέσματος και Άποψης - Επιρρήματα αβεβαιότητας
Αυτά τα επιρρήματα υποδεικνύουν ότι κάποιος δεν είναι σίγουρος για τη δήλωση ή τη γνώμη του και τα θεωρεί μόνο πιθανά, όπως "πιθανώς", "ίσως", "υποτίθεται" κ.λπ.
used to show uncertainty or hesitation
used to show uncertainty or hesitation
used to show likelihood or possibility without absolute certainty
used to show likelihood or possibility without absolute certainty
in a way that is not certain or definite and might be changed later
in a way that is not certain or definite and might be changed later
in a practical and realistic manner
in a practical and realistic manner
used to express possibility or likelihood of something
used to express possibility or likelihood of something
used to express that something might happen or be true
used to express that something might happen or be true
in a manner expressing the capability or likelihood of something happening or developing in the future
in a manner expressing the capability or likelihood of something happening or developing in the future
used to suggest that there is a strong chance of something happening
used to suggest that there is a strong chance of something happening
in a manner that is unlikely to happen or occur
in a manner that is unlikely to happen or occur
in a manner that is extremely difficult or unlikely to happen
in a manner that is extremely difficult or unlikely to happen
used to convey that the information presented is based on what others have said
used to convey that the information presented is based on what others have said
used to say that something is the case without providing any proof
used to say that something is the case without providing any proof
in a manner claimed or believed to be true, though there may be doubts about its correctness or validity
in a manner claimed or believed to be true, though there may be doubts about its correctness or validity
in a manner that is possible or capable of being imagined or believed
in a manner that is possible or capable of being imagined or believed
in a doubtful and uncertain manner
in a doubtful and uncertain manner