Académico IELTS (Banda 5 y Abajo) - Comiendo y bebiendo
Aquí aprenderá algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con la comida y la bebida que son necesarias para el examen IELTS Académico Básico.
Tarjetas de memoria
to digest
to break down food in the body and to absorb its nutrients and necessary substances

to suck
to pull air, liquid, etc. into the mouth by using the muscles of the mouth and the lips

to swallow
to cause food, drink, or another substance to pass from the mouth down into the stomach, using the muscles of the throat

tragar, ingerir

to chew
to bite and crush food into smaller pieces with the teeth to make it easier to swallow

to drink
to put water, coffee, or other type of liquid inside of our body through our mouth


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