مبتدیان 2 - ضمایر مفعولی
در اینجا شما ضمایر مفعولی انگلیسی مانند "them"، "it" و "me" را یاد خواهید گرفت که برای دانش آموزان سطح مبتدی آماده شده است.
املای کلمه
(objective first-person singular pronoun) used by the speaker to refer to themselves when they are the object of a sentence
به من, من را
(objective first-person plural pronoun) used by the speaker to refer to themselves and at least one other person when they are the object of a sentence
به ما, ما را
(objective third-person plural pronoun) used when referring to the aforementioned things or people that are the object of a sentence
به آنها, آنها را
(objective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to a male human or animal as the object of a sentence
به او (مرد), او را (مرد)
(objective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to a female human or animal that is the object of a sentence
به او (زن), او را (زن)
(objective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to something or an animal of unknown sex as the object of a sentence
به او (غیر انسان), او را (غیر انسان)