کتاب 'هدوی' مقدماتی - انگلیسی روزمره (واحد 9)
در اینجا واژگانی از واحد انگلیسی Everyday 9 را در کتاب دوره ابتدایی Headway پیدا خواهید کرد، مانند "roundabout"، "station"، "museum"، و غیره.
املای کلمه
a circular intersection with a central island where traffic flows in one direction around the island

an area where people can leave their cars or other vehicles for a period of time

a set of lights, often colored in red, yellow, and green, that control the traffic on a road

چراغ راهنمایی
a place where trains regularly stop for passengers to get on and off

ایستگاه قطار, ایستگاه راهآهن
a designated area on a road where pedestrians have the right of way to cross the street safely

خط عابر پیاده
a sign placed along roads or highways to convey information, instructions, or warnings for regulating traffic and ensuring road safety

علائم راهنمایی و رانندگی, تابلوهای راهنمایی رانندگی
used to indicate movement or passage from one side or end to the other

از میان, از وسط
used to show that an object is physically in contact with or attached to a surface or object

روی, بر
a financial institution that keeps and lends money and provides other financial services
