Le livre Top Notch Fondamentaux A - Unité 1 - Leçon 1
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'Unité 1 - Leçon 1 du manuel de cours Top Notch Fundamentals A, tel que "nom", "serveur", "acteur", etc.
a person's profession or job, typically the means by which they earn a living

a person whose job is designing buildings and typically supervising their construction

a person who is good at sports and physical exercise, and often competes in sports competitions

someone who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a profession

musicien, musicienne
someone who creates drawings, sculptures, paintings, etc. either as their job or hobby

a person who possesses or has a high rank in a bank or any other financial institution

banquier, banquière
a person who works on a plane to bring passengers meals and take care of them

steward, hôtesse de l'air
a person who counts and handles money in a bank or other financial institution

caissier, caissière

someone who deals with electrical equipment, such as repairing or installing them

électricien, électricienne
an employee who works in a store, typically performing tasks such as stocking shelves, assisting customers, and processing transactions

employé de magasin, commis

a person whose job is repairing and maintaining motor vehicles and machinery

mécanicien, mécanicienne
an experienced teacher at a university or college who specializes in a particular subject and often conducts research

professeur, professeure
a person who gathers and reports news or does interviews for a newspaper, TV, radio station, etc.

journaliste, reporter
someone who buys tickets, arranges tours, books hotels, etc. for travelers as their job

someone who works in an office as someone's assistance, dealing with mail and phone calls, keeping records, making appointments, etc.

someone who has been trained to care for injured or sick people, particularly in a hospital

infirmier, infirmière