The Standard Consonants in the English Language

Consonants are a big part of sounds, the other part being the vowels. In this part, we are going to learn about each and every consonant in English.

How to Pronounce the /b/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /b/ Sound

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Do you know how you can pronounce the /b/ sound? Do you have it in your mother tongue? Still interested in learning more?
How to Pronounce the /p/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /p/ Sound

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In this lesson, we're going to learn about the /p/ sound. Even if you don't have it in your language, it's fine cause I will teach it here.
How to Pronounce the /t/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /t/ Sound

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In this lesson, we're going to delve into all the details about the /t/ sound and see what we can gain. Ready? Still interested? C'mon.
How to Pronounce the /d/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /d/ Sound

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Here, I'm gonna tell you all there is about the /d/ sound. In order to learn how you can pronounce it like a native speaker, you can join me.
How to Pronounce the /k/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /k/ Sound

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Here, we will learn all there is about the /k/ sound. Do you wanna improve your English language proficiency? Let's go, then.
How to Pronounce the /g/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /g/ Sound

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In this lesson, we're gonna learn about the /g/ sound in the English language. So, wanna learn about it? I invite you to come in, then.
How to Pronounce the /f/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /f/ Sound

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In this lesson, we're gonna learn all there is about the /f/ sound. Do you know how to pronounce it correctly? Well, c'mon.
How to Pronounce the /v/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /v/ Sound

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In this lesson, we're gonna delve into all the details about the /v/ sound. Do you wanna improve your English language proficiency? Let's go then.
How to Pronounce the /θ/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /θ/ Sound

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This sound is one of the hardest sounds in the English language. No need to worry, though. We will teach you how you can easily produce it.
How to Pronounce the /ð/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /ð/ Sound

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Another one of the most difficult sounds in English is /ð/. No need to worry, though. I will guide you through. Let's go, shall we?
How to Pronounce the /s/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /s/ Sound

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As you know, the /s/ sound is common in many English words. Do you have it in your mother tongue? Let's learn about it then.
How to Pronounce the /z/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /z/ Sound

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In this lesson, we're going to learn about the details of the /z/ sound. Even if you do not have it in your mother tongue, it's alright.
How to Pronounce the /ʒ/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /ʒ/ Sound

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This time, we're going to work on the details of the /ʒ/ sound. Are you ready? Do you wanna improve your English language proficiency?
How to Pronounce the /ʃ/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /ʃ/ Sound

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Here, we're gonna learn about the /ʃ/ sound. I know that it looks a bit weird, but trust me, it's as easy as a piece of cake.
How to Pronounce the /h/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /h/ Sound

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In this lesson, we're gonna learn all about the /h/ sound. Well, have you heard anything about it before? C'mon in and let's learn together.
How to Pronounce the /tʃ/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /tʃ/ Sound

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In this lesson, I'm gonna teach you all about the /tʃ/ sound. How we can pronounce it, which languages have it, etc. So, make sure to join me.
How to Pronounce the /dʒ/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /dʒ/ Sound

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Do you want to learn about the /dʒ/ sound? What letters represent it? How we can pronounce it? Which languages have this sound?
How to Pronounce the /m/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /m/ Sound

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In this lesson, we're gonna learn all the details about the /m/ sound. Even if you don't have it in your language, you will learn all about it.
How to Pronounce the /n/ Sound?

How to Pronounce the /n/ Sound

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This time, we're gonna help you learn how to produce the /n/ sound. Well, you know that everything comes easy with me, right?
How to Pronounce the /ŋ/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /ŋ/ Sound

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This is one of the hardest sounds in English, but there's no need to worry cause we have provided you with easy steps to produce it.
How to Pronounce the /l/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /l/ Sound

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Another one of the hardest sounds in the English language is /l/. Do you wanna learn all about it? Well, you've come to the right place.
How to Pronounce the /r/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /r/ Sound

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I'm pretty sure you've heard the /r/ sound in many different words. In this lesson, we're gonna tell you all there is about it.
How to Pronounce the /j/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /j/ Sound

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In this lesson, we will learn all there is about the /j/ sound. Are you ready? Let's begin a new adventure together then.
How to Pronounce the /w/ Sound

How to Pronounce the /w/ Sound

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This time, we're going to learn all about the /w/ sound. Are you ready? You still wanna improve your English language proficiency?

What Are Consonants?

Consonants are sounds that we produce with complete or partial stricture of the vocal tract.

How We Produce Them?

The body parts that we use to produce consonants are:

  • the lips: /b/ and /p/
  • the front of the tongue: /d/ and /t/
  • the back of the tongue: /k/ and /g/
  • the throat: /h/
  • by forcing air: /s/
  • through the nose: /n/ and /m/

English Consonants

We use the word 'consonant' to refer to both speech sounds and the letters of the alphabet used to write them. In English, these letters are

B /b/ F /f/ K /k/
C /s/, /k/ G /d̠ʒ/, /g/ L /l/
D /d/ J /d̠ʒ/ M /m/
Q /ku/ P /p/ N /n/
S /s/ T /t/ V /v/
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