English Multigraphs

What Are English multigraphs? How do we use them? How can we find them in different words in the English language? In this part, we will learn all about them.

Pronunciation of Double Letters

Double Letters & Pronunciation

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In this lesson, we're gonna work on 'double letters' and how we can pronounce them. You're still interested in learning more, aren't you?
Morphology and Pronunciation

Morphology & Pronunciation

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Have you heard anything about morphology before? Well, there's no need to worry because I'm gonna tell you all about it here. What are you waiting for?
Pronunciation of Borrowed Nouns

Borrowed Nouns & Pronunciation

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What do you know about 'borrowed nouns'? Are you familiar with how we can pronounce them? Well, I'm about to teach you them. Let's begin.
English Multigraph "ch"


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Now, we're gonna learn about multigraphs. you can learn a lot here if you wanna become a more fluent English speaker, you know.
English Multigraph "th"


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Do you know all the details about 'th'? I've decided to tell you all about it here because it will be helpful if you wanna become better in speaking English.
English Multigraph "sh"


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In this lesson, we will learn about the multigraph sh. It will help you improve in English. Most native speakers aren't familiar with such concepts. C'mon.
English Multigraph "gh"


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I wanna tell you about the multigraph 'gh'. Most native speakers aren't familiar with these concepts so, you'll be one step ahead.
English Multigraph "wh"


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Now, we're going to work on the multigraph 'wh'. Have you read anything about it before? Well, let's see what we can find here.
English Multigraph "ck"


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Do you wanna improve your language proficiency? Well, join me and we will learn all about the multigraph 'ck'. No need worry cause it will be fun.
English Multigraph "sc"


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This time, we're gonna delve into the details of 'sc' in the English language. If you wanna see what more you can learn about multigraphs in English, join me.
English Multigraph "ss"


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Now, we're gonna see what we can learn about this multigraph. Do you wanna be one step ahead of all the other students learning English. Join me, then.
English Multigraph "Ik"


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Do you wanna improve your knowledge of English phonology? Well, I've decided to focus on this multigraph in this lesson. C'mon.
English Multigraph "lm"


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Now, let's learn all about the 'lm' multigraph. I'm sure you're still interested in learning more about English multigraphs, aren't you?
English Multigraph "ps"


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This time, we will delve into the details of 'ps'. Let's see what we can get out of here. I'm sure you won't regret having spent time with us.
English Multigraph "wr"


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Now, I'm gonna tell you all there is about the multigraph 'wr'. Still wanna learn more about different English multigraphs? Well, c'mon.
English Multigraph "rh"


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This time, we're gonna work on the multigraph 'rh'. I'm pretty sure you've come across it, haven't you? Let's begin then, shall we?
English Multigraph "gn"


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I'm sure you've come across the different multigraphs in the English language. This time, we're gonna learn about 'gn'. Let's go.
English Multigraph "kn"


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So, do you know anything about 'kn'? Do you still wanna learn more about the different English multigraphs? Well, c'mon.
English Multigraph "ph"


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I wanna tell you all there is about the multigraph 'ph'. Well, I promise that you won't regret having spent time here. C'mon.
English Multigraph "mb"


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Now, we are gonna work on 'mb'. Have you come across it before? wanna learn more? Well, I'm here to teach you. Let's begin.
English Multigraph "pt"


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In this lesson, we will work on the multigraph 'pt'. Do you know anything about it? Wanna learn more? Well then, you've come to the right place.
English Multigraph "ee"


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Let's learn about the multigraph 'ee'. This one's pretty common, isn't it? Well, I'm happy you've come this far. Let's start.
English Multigraph "oo"


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Now, let's learn all about the 'oo'. In this lesson, you will master all the details of this multigraph. Still interested in learning?
English Multigraph "ai"


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I'm pretty sure you've come across this multigraph. Even if you have no idea how we use it, it's fine. I'm gonna teach you all about it here.
English Multigraph ae


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So, do you wanna improve your language proficiency? Most native speakers do not know these concepts. Well, you're already many steps ahead, eh?
English Multigraph "au"


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Here, we will discuss the multigraph 'au'. It's amazing how far you've come, you know. It's good that you've built up a great learning habit.
English Multigraph "ea"


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Now, I wanna tell you all about the multigraph 'ea'. Still wanna learn more? I guarantee that you won't regret having spent time with us.
English Multigraph "eo"


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We have decided to teach you all there is about 'eo'. I know it looks a bit difficult for you, but I promise, you'll learn all about it easily.
English Multigraph "ei"


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I wanna teach you all there is about the multigraph 'ei'. You may have come across it before. It's a fairly common multigraph, you know.
English Multigraph "eu"


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This time, I wanna tell you all about 'eu'. Are you interested? Well, I can see how professional you've become ever since you started.
English Multigraph "ie"


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Now, I've decided to tell you about the multigraph 'ie'. Still interested in learning more about the different multigraphs in the English language?
English Multigraph "ia"


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Let's see what we can learn from this lesson. Hope you're still interested, aren't you? Well, shall we begin our new lesson?
English Multigraph "oa"


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Have you seen the multigraph 'oa' before? Have you read anything on it before? Well, in this lesson, I'm gonna tell you all there is about it.
English Multigraph "oe"


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Let's see what we will learn about 'oe' this time. I promise you'll enjoy your time here and also learn lots of important things.
English Multigraph "oi"


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I wanna teach you all the details about the 'oi' multigraph here. No need to worry, though. we will learn it together. C'mon.
English Multigraph "ui"


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In this lesson, I wanna tell you about the multigraph 'ui'. Have you encountered it before? Or have you read anything on it before?
English Multigraph "ue"


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Now, I wanna focus on the 'ue' multigraph. Don't worry cause I will teach you all there is about it. Let's begin, shall we?
English Multigraph "ou"


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Have you ever seen 'ou' before? Or have you read any articles about it? Well, even if you haven't, you're welcome here to join me and learn about it.
English Multigraph "ous"


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Now, we will learn all about the multigraph 'ous'. Although the appearance might look difficult, but trust me it's not. C'mon.
English Multigraph "ism"


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In this lesson, we're going to work on the multigraph 'ism'. Care to learn more and see how we can have fun while learning about different multigraphs?
English Multigraph "sch"


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Have you ever seen this combination before? Well, I'm here to tell you all about it. I guarantee that you will have so much fun learning about it.
English Multigraph "tch"


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Let's see what we can learn from the multigraph 'tch'. I hope you're still interested in learning more and expanding your knowledge in phonology.
English Multigraph "dge"


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This time, we are going to expand our knowledge of phonology. I've decided to teach you all there is about 'dge'. Still coming, aren't you?
English Multigraph "cqu"


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Let's learn all about the multigraph 'cqu'. It seems that you've built a learning habit. Stay tuned and join me in this lesson.
English Multigraph "exh"


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Do you wanna learn all there is about the multigraph 'exh'? Well, you've come to the right place. Here, we will have lots of fun.
English Multigraph "tial"


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In this lesson, I wanna tell you about the multigraph 'tial'. So, how have you enjoyed it so far? I hope you enjoying learning with me.
English Multigraph "ture"


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In this lesson, we're gonna work on the multigraph 'ture'. I believe you're so enthusiastic since you've come so far. Brilliant, don't you think?
English Multigraph "sion"


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I'm pretty sure you've come across the multigraph 'sion' in different English words. Let's see what we'll learn about it. C'mon.
English Multigraph "stle"


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Now, we're gonna work on learning about 'stle'. Have you read anything on it before? Well, it's fine if you have not. Let's begin.
English Multigraph "tion"


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Are you familiar with all the multigraphs in the English language? Well, today I've decided to tell you all there is about 'tion'.
English Multigraph "cial"


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We've decided to tell you about the multigraph 'cial'. No need to worry though. It's as easy as a piece of cake. C'mon.
English Multigraph "cian"


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In this lesson, we've decided to teach you all there is about this multigraph. You still interested in expanding your knowledge of English sounds?
English Multigraph "tious"


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Ladies and gentlemen, today I've decided to learn all there is about the multigraph 'tious'. I'm pretty sure you're as much excited as I am.
English Multigraph "ssion"


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In this lesson, we're gonna learn all about the English multigraph 'ssion'. I hope you still wanna improve your English language proficiency.
English Multigraph "cious"


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So, let's start learning about the multigraph 'cious'. Have you read anything about it before? Well, let's begin, shall we?
English Multigraph "pneum"


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I'm gonna tell you all there is about the multigraph 'pneum'. This one is not that common so remember to pay close attention. Ready?
English Multigraphs

What Are Multigraphs?

A multigraph is a group of two or more letters ‌that represents a single sound in a language.

Why We Need Multigraphs?

Sometimes in the written form of a language, we do not have a single letter to represent a sound. In that case, we use digraphs or multigraphs to represent the written form of that sound.

English Multigraphs

The most common written English mutigraphs include:

ch qu th
ck ph wh
gh sh ng

These are not considered separate letters of the alphabet.

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