Le livre Summit 1B - Unité 8 - Leçon 2
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'Unité 8 - Leçon 2 du manuel de cours Summit 1B, comme « indulgent », « rebelle », « surprotecteur », etc.
the way that someone acts, particularly in the presence of others

comportement, conduite
(of a person) tolerant, flexible, or relaxed in enforcing rules or standards, often forgiving and understanding toward others

(of a person) showing too much care or concern for another person, often in a way that is unreasonable

trop protecteur, surprotecteur

(of a person) resistant to authority or control, often challenging established norms or rules

(of a person) displaying a childish behavior due to being treated very well or having been given everything they desired in the past

gâté, pourri