Le livre Solutions - Intermédiaire Supérieur - Unité 7 - 7E
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 7 à 7E du manuel Solutions Intermédiaire Supérieur, tel que « dépendance », « annulation », « obsession », etc.
anything that proves the truth or possibility of something, such as facts, objects, or signs

a strong and uncontrollable interest or attachment to something or someone, causing constant thoughts, intense emotions, and repetitive behaviors

a strong feeling of certainty that something or someone exists or is true; a strong feeling that something or someone is right or good

croyance, foi
the condition of needing someone or something for support, aid, or survival

dépendance, dépendance financière

a strong liking for one option or choice over another based on personal taste, favor, etc.

to decrease something such as size or cost, to make it more efficient, economical, or manageable

réduire, diminuer

to take advantage of someone by charging them too much money or selling them a defective product

escroquer, arnaquer

(of an event) to completely sell all available tickets, seats, leaving none remaining for further purchase

être vendu
to make a short visit to a place on the way to another destination

s'arrêter, faire une escale