Le livre Four Corners 1 - Unité 1 Leçon A
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'unité 1, leçon A du manuel de cours Four Corners 1, tel que « tout le monde », « deuxième prénom », « célibataire », etc.
every single person in a group, community, or society, without exception

tout le monde
the complete name of a person that includes their first name, middle name, and last name

nom complet, nom et prénom

a title we use before an unmarried woman's family name or full name to address or refer to her

a title used before a woman's surname or full name to address or refer to a married woman

madame, mme.
a title used before a woman's surname or full name as a form of address without indicating her marital status

madame, mme.
(first-person singular possessive determiner) of or belonging to the speaker or writer

mon, ma

(third-person singular possessive determiner) of or belonging to a man or boy who has already been mentioned or is easy to identify

son, le sien

(third-person singular possessive determiner) of or belonging to a female human or animal that was previously mentioned or one that is easy to identify

son, sa

(first-person plural possessive determiner) of or belonging to a speaker when they want to talk or write about themselves and at least one other person


(third-person plural possessive determiner) of or belonging to people, animals, or things that have already been mentioned or are easy to identify


used as a polite way of asking for something or telling somebody to do something

s'il te plaît, s'il vous plaît