Livro Four Corners 1 - Unidade 1 Lição A
Aqui você encontrará o vocabulário da Unidade 1, Lição A, no livro Four Corners 1, como "todos", "nome do meio", "único", etc.
someone we know well and trust, but normally they are not part of our family

amigo, companheiro

every single person in a group, community, or society, without exception

todo mundo, cada um

the name we were given at birth that comes before our last name

primeiro nome, nome dado

the name we share with our family, parents, or siblings

sobrenome, nome de família

the name we share with our parents that follows our first name

sobrenome, nome de família

a name that comes between someone's first name and last name

segundo nome, nome do meio

the complete name of a person that includes their first name, middle name, and last name

nome completo, nome e sobrenome

a title we use before an unmarried woman's family name or full name to address or refer to her


a title used before a woman's surname or full name to address or refer to a married woman

Sra, Senhora

a title used before a woman's surname or full name as a form of address without indicating her marital status

Sra., Srta.

(first-person singular possessive determiner) of or belonging to the speaker or writer

meu, minha

(third-person singular possessive determiner) of or belonging to a man or boy who has already been mentioned or is easy to identify

seu, o dele

(third-person singular possessive determiner) of or belonging to a female human or animal that was previously mentioned or one that is easy to identify

seu, sua

(first-person plural possessive determiner) of or belonging to a speaker when they want to talk or write about themselves and at least one other person


(third-person plural possessive determiner) of or belonging to people, animals, or things that have already been mentioned or are easy to identify


used as a polite way of asking for something or telling somebody to do something

por favor, se faz favor