Le livre Four Corners 3 - Unité 7 Leçon A - Partie 1
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'Unité 7, Leçon A - Partie 1 du manuel de cours Four Corners 3, tel que « aventureux », « facile à vivre », « considérer », etc.
all the qualities that shape a person's character and make them different from others

(of a person) eager to try new ideas, exciting things, and take risks

aventureux, aventurier
giving attention or thought to what we are doing to avoid doing something wrong, hurting ourselves, or damaging something

prudent, prudente
enjoying other people's company and social interactions

extraverti, ouvert, sociable
used when the subject and object of the sentence are the same, indicating that the action is done to oneself

moi-même, me

having a feeling of curiosity or attention toward a particular thing or person because one likes them

to feel upset and nervous because we think about bad things that might happen to us or our problems

a playful and intelligent animal that has a long tail and usually lives in trees and warm countries

to think about something carefully before making a decision or forming an opinion

considérer, envisager
something that can or may be chosen from a number of alternatives

option, possibilité, choix
originating from or created by nature, not made or caused by humans

naturel, naturelle