Le livre Insight - Élémentaire - Unité 8 - 8A
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 8 à 8A du manuel de cours Insight Elementary, tel que « étape », « retraite », « paisible », etc.
an educational institution at the highest level, where we can study for a degree or do research

to leave your job and stop working, usually on reaching a certain age

prendre sa retraite
everything that exists or happens on the earth, excluding things that humans make or control

originating from or created by nature, not made or caused by humans

naturel, naturelle
a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to

(of a person) unwilling to become involved in a dispute or anything violent

a feeling of admiration or surprise caused by something that is very unusual and exciting

a person whose job is designing buildings and typically supervising their construction

someone who deals with electrical equipment, such as repairing or installing them

électricien, électricienne
a person who designs, fixes, or builds roads, machines, bridges, etc.

ingénieur, ingénieure
someone who is employed in a factory and works there

ouvrier d'usine, travailleur d'usine

a person who practices or studies law, advises people about the law or represents them in court

avocat, avocate
someone who has been trained to care for injured or sick people, particularly in a hospital

infirmier, infirmière
someone who does manual work, particularly a heavy and exhausting one to earn money

ouvrier, travailleur

someone whose job is to serve or help customers in a shop

vendeur, employé de magasin