Adjectifs des Attributs Humains Abstraits - Adjectifs de traits intellectuels négatifs
Les adjectifs de traits intellectuels négatifs décrivent des qualités indésirables de l'esprit et de l'intellect, telles que « stupide », « ignorant », « insouciant », etc.
(of a person) not having common sense or the ability to understand or learn as fast as others

extremely unreasonable or stupid, particularly in a manner that is likely to be dangerous

fou, folle
having or showing excessive or uncontrollable worry or interest in something

obsédé, obsédant

lacking knowledge or awareness about a particular subject or situation

ignorant, insouciant

showing firmness in one's opinions and refusing to be swayed or influenced

ferme, inflexible, catégorique
suffering from false beliefs or perceptions that persist despite evidence to the contrary

délirant, illusionnel

lacking knowledge, understanding, or awareness about a particular situation or subject

ignorant, inexpérimenté

having a limited perspective or outlook, often isolated and closed off from new ideas or influences

insulaire, fermé

failing to act with the appropriate level of care or attention, often resulting in harm or damage to others

négligent, délétère

believing in irrational or supernatural ideas or practices, often based on luck or omens

superstitieux, superstitieuse

using clever and usually deceitful methods to achieve what one wants

rusé, malin, roublard, astucieux, astucieuse
lacking the ability to understand, reason, or make good decisions

inintelligent, inintelligente
having a tendency to be forgetful, disorganized, or easily distracted

distraite, étourdie

holding opinions or judgments influenced by personal bias rather than objective reasoning

qui a des préjugés, qui a des idées préconçues
frequently forgetting things, leading to negligence or oversight of responsibilities

oubliette, étourdi

willingly obeying rules or doing what other people demand

accommodant, conciliant, docile
lacking knowledge or understanding in a particular subject or area

ignorant, analphabète

failing to give the needed amount of attention and care toward fulfilling one's obligations
