IELTS Académique (Band 8 et Plus) - Défis
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais liés aux défis nécessaires à l'examen académique IELTS.
extremely tiring and demanding strenuous effort and perseverance

éreintant, épuisant, exténuant
intimidating, challenging, or overwhelming in a way that creates a sense of fear or unease

causing a significant loss of physical, emotional, or mental energy

épuisant, démoralisant

achieving something after facing a lot of challenges and putting in a great deal of effort

difficilement gagné, gagné après de nombreux efforts

causing fatigue, boredom, or irritation due to being repetitive or tiresome

fatigant, épuisant
to accept or tolerate a difficult or undesirable situation that one cannot change without complaint
to successfully overcome challenges or difficulties

surmonter, venir à bout de, vaincre
to endure a difficult or dangerous situation with courage and determination

affronter, braver

to use skill and cunning to gain an advantage over someone, defeating or surpassing them through intelligence

surpasser, déjouer