Acadêmico IELTS (Banda 8 ou Acima) - Desafios
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas aos Desafios necessários para o exame Acadêmico IELTS.
intimidating, challenging, or overwhelming in a way that creates a sense of fear or unease

intimidante, desafiador

causing a significant loss of physical, emotional, or mental energy

esgotante, exaustivo

achieving something after facing a lot of challenges and putting in a great deal of effort

dificilmente conquistado, obtido com grande esforço

causing fatigue, boredom, or irritation due to being repetitive or tiresome

cansativo, tedioso

to accept or tolerate a difficult or undesirable situation that one cannot change without complaint
to endure a difficult or dangerous situation with courage and determination

enfrentar, desafiar

to use skill and cunning to gain an advantage over someone, defeating or surpassing them through intelligence

superar, enganar