शुरुआत करने वाले 2 - कर्ता सर्वनाम
यहां आप शुरुआती स्तर के छात्रों के लिए तैयार अंग्रेजी विषय के सर्वनाम, जैसे "हम", "वे", और "आप" सीखेंगे।
समीक्षा करें
(subjective first-person singular pronoun) used by the speaker to refer to themselves when they are the subject of the sentence
मैं, मुझे
(second-person pronoun) used for referring to the one or the people we are writing or talking to
तुम, आप
(subjective first-person plural pronoun) used by a speaker when they want to talk or write about themselves and at least one other person
(subjective third-person plural pronoun) used when referring to the things or people that were already mentioned
(subjective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to a male human or animal that was already mentioned or one that is easy to identify
(subjective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to a female human or animal that was already mentioned or one that is easy to identify
(subjective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to something or an animal as the subject of a sentence
यह, वह