पुस्तक English File - प्रारंभिक - पाठ 11ए
यहां आपको इंग्लिश फाइल बिगिनर कोर्सबुक में पाठ 11ए की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "विदेश", "ऑफर", "ऑर्गेनिक", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
someone whose job is to plan and draw how something will look or work before it is made, such as furniture, tools, etc.

डिजाइनर, रचनाकार

an area under the protection of a government, where people can visit, for its wildlife, beauty, or historical sights

राष्ट्रीय उद्यान, राष्ट्रीय संग्रहालय

the system of transport including buses, trains, etc. that are available for everyone to use, provided by the government or by companies

जन परिवहन, सार्वजनिक परिवहन

a musical instrument with a curved metal tube and one wide end, which is played by blowing into it while pressing and releasing its three buttons


an official organization that is formed so the members could play or promote a particular sport

खेल क्लब, खेल संघ

(of food or farming techniques) produced or done without any artificial or chemical substances

जैविक, प्राकृतिक

to make a formal or friendly request to someone to come somewhere or join something

निमंत्रित करना, बुलाना