पुस्तक Headway - प्रारंभिक - रोजमर्रा की अंग्रेजी (यूनिट 3)
यहां आपको हेडवे एलीमेंट्री कोर्सबुक में एवरीडे इंग्लिश यूनिट 3 की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "सामाजिक", "यातायात", "द्विभाषी", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
the coming and going of cars, airplanes, people, etc. in an area at a particular time

यातायात, संचालन

the time of day that is between when the sun starts to rise and the middle of the day at twelve o'clock

सुबह, प्रभात

to put our bottom on something like a chair or the ground while keeping our back straight

बैठना, बिठाना

(of a door or window) to become open so that people, things, etc. can pass through

खुलना, खोलना

a space in a wall or vehicle that is made of glass and we use to look outside or get some fresh air

खिड़की, झरोखा

having a temperature that is high but not hot, especially in a way that is pleasant

गर्म, नरम