ए1 स्तर की शब्द सूची - मौसम और प्रकृति
यहां आप मौसम और प्रकृति के बारे में कुछ बुनियादी अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे, जैसे "बरसात", "गर्म", और "पेड़", जो A1 शिक्षार्थियों के लिए तैयार किए गए हैं।
समीक्षा करें
the result of something burning that often produces heat, flame, light, and smoke

आग, अग्नि

everything that exists or happens on the earth, excluding things that humans make or control

प्रकृति, प्राकृतिक जगत

the large, bright star in the sky that shines during the day and gives us light and heat


the space above the earth where the sun, clouds, stars, and the moon are and we can see them


a natural and continuous stream of water flowing on the land to the sea, a lake, or another river

नदी, धारा

the salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its continents and islands


a very tall and large natural structure that looks like a huge hill with a pointed top that is often covered in snow

पहाड़, पर्वत