पुस्तक Four Corners 1 - इकाई 3 पाठ डी
यहां आपको फोर कॉर्नर 1 कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 3 पाठ डी की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "छाता", "बैकपैक", "फोटो", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
a casual short-sleeved shirt with no collar, usually made of cotton
टी-शर्ट, कॉटन शर्ट
a distinct thing, often an individual object or entry in a list or collection
वस्तु, आइटम
a country located in North America that is bordered by the United States to the north
a small device that lets you control electrical or electronic devices like TVs from a distance
रिमोट कंट्रोल, दूरस्थ नियंत्रण
an object with a circular folding frame covered in cloth, used as protection against rain or sun
छत्री, सूरज छाता
a bag designed for carrying on the back, usually used by those who go hiking or climbing
बैकपैक, पीठ बैग
a port in western California near the Golden Gate that is one of the major industrial and transportation centers; it has one of the world's finest harbors; site of the Golden Gate Bridge
सैन फ़्रांसिस्को, सैन फ़्रांसिस्को बंदरगाह
a special kind of picture that is made using a camera in order to make memories, create art, etc.
फोटोग्राफी, तस्वीर