ए2 स्तर की शब्द सूची - व्यक्तित्व एवं व्यवहार
यहां आप व्यक्तित्व और व्यवहार के बारे में कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे, जैसे "शर्मीला", "बातूनी", और "गंभीर", जो A2 शिक्षार्थियों के लिए तैयार किए गए हैं।
समीक्षा करें
the way that someone acts, particularly in the presence of others
all the qualities that shape a person's character and make them different from others
the set of mental qualities that make a certain person different from others
catching and keeping our attention because of being unusual, exciting, etc.
making us feel tired and unsatisfied because of not being interesting
उबाऊ,थकाने वाला
very strange, unusual, and not natural, in a way that is difficult to understand
making use of imagination or innovation in bringing something into existence
feeling completely sure about something and showing that you believe it
used for showing that someone or something belongs to or is connected with a particular person or thing