बी1 लेवल वर्डलिस्ट - सामान्य क्रियाविशेषण
यहां आप बी1 सीखने वालों के लिए तैयार किए गए कुछ सामान्य अंग्रेजी क्रियाविशेषण सीखेंगे, जैसे "अबाउट", "स्पष्ट रूप से", "पहले", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
used to refer to a time in the past, showing how much time has passed before the present moment
used to indicate that something that was once true or done is no longer the case
अब नहीं
in an assured manner, leaving no room for doubt
निश्चित रूप से
used to suggest that something is twice as much or has twice the significance or effect
to a degree or extent that is sufficient or necessary
पर्याप्त रूप से
used to show that something is surprising or is not expected
यहाँ तक कि
used to add a statement that contradicts what was just mentioned
in a manner that indicates the majority of something is in a certain condition or of a certain type
in accordance with what is logical, typical, or expected
स्वाभाविक रूप से