Könyv: English File - Felső-középhaladó - 4B lecke
Itt megtalálja az angol File Upper Intermediate tankönyv 4B leckéjének szókészletét, mint például: „figyelje meg”, „take time”, „take up” stb.
to care for someone, help them, or keep them safe
to make use of a situation, opportunity, or resource in a way that benefits oneself or achieves a desired outcome
to need a significant amount of time to be able to happen, be completed, or achieved
to consider something when trying to make a judgment or decision
to feel sympathetic toward a thing or person and take action to show it
to remove a piece of clothing or accessory from your or another's body
levetni, eltávolítani
to occupy a particular amount of space or time
foglalni, elfoglalni
to start to like someone or something
megkedvelni, vonzalmat érezni
to start to dislike someone or something
ellenszenvvel viseltetni valaki iránt, ellenszenvért érteni
to invite someone to go out with one, typically for a meal or an activity
valakit elvinni, valakit meghívni
to become aware of someone or something and pay them attention