Színek és Formák - A lila árnyalatai
Olvassa el ezt a leckét, hogy megtanulja a lila különböző árnyalatainak nevét angolul, például "lila", "írisz" és "szilva".
having a pale purple color between violet and pink, such as mallow flower
mauve, pale purple
having a pale violet color with a pinkish undertone
lila, világoslila
of a pale, muted purple color that resembles the soft hues of the thistle flower
tövis szín, halvány világoslila
of a rich, deep purple color that takes its inspiration from the vibrant hues of the iris flower
írisz, mélylila
of a color that is bluish-purple or a purple hue with a relatively high proportion of blue in it
kék-lila, lila-kék
having a deep, muted shade of purple with hints of red and blue, reminiscent of the color commonly associated with the Byzantine Empire
bizánci, bizánci árnyalat
of a dark purple color, resembling the color of the vegetable of the same name
padlizsán, sötétlila
of a dark, rich, purplish color resembling the color of the fruit, with deep tones of purple
szilvával teli, szilvaárnyalat
of a rich, deep purple color with blue undertones, reminiscent of the color of violets
francia ibolya, mély ibolya
having a pale shade of lavender color, often with a grayish or muted tone
angol levendula, halvány levendula
of a light to medium purple color, resembling the color of the flowers of the wisteria plant
lila színárnyalatú, gyengén lila
having a color that is purplish-red or a reddish hue with a relatively high proportion of purple in it
vörös-lila, bíborvörös
having a deep and rich purple with strong red undertones
rózsás bíbor, mély bíbor
of a deep, rich, and vibrant purple color that resembles the mysterious and otherworldly hues
kozmikus lila, mély lila
having a deep and luxurious shade of purple, often associated with regality and elegance
királyi lila, púder lila
characterized by a soft and muted shade of purple with delicate lilac undertones
lila-lilás, puha lila