Cores e Formas - Tons de roxo
Leia esta lição para aprender os nomes dos diferentes tons de roxo em inglês, como “lilás”, “íris” e “ameixa”.
having a pale purple color between violet and pink, such as mallow flower

mauve, roxo claro

of a pale, muted purple color that resembles the soft hues of the thistle flower

cor de cardo, roxo suave

of a rich, deep purple color that takes its inspiration from the vibrant hues of the iris flower

íris, roxo profundo

of a color that is bluish-purple or a purple hue with a relatively high proportion of blue in it

azul-violeta, violeta-azul

having a deep, muted shade of purple with hints of red and blue, reminiscent of the color commonly associated with the Byzantine Empire

bizantino, cor bizantina

of a dark purple color, resembling the color of the vegetable of the same name

berinjela, púrpura berinjela

of a dark, rich, purplish color resembling the color of the fruit, with deep tones of purple

cor ameixa, sombra de ameixa

of a rich, deep purple color with blue undertones, reminiscent of the color of violets

violeta francês, violeta profundo

having a pale shade of lavender color, often with a grayish or muted tone

lavanda inglesa, lavanda pálida

of a light to medium purple color, resembling the color of the flowers of the wisteria plant

cor de glicínia, roxo claro

having a color that is purplish-red or a reddish hue with a relatively high proportion of purple in it

vermelho púrpura, púrpura avermelhado

having a deep and rich purple with strong red undertones

púrpura carmesim, púrpura intensa

of a deep, rich, and vibrant purple color that resembles the mysterious and otherworldly hues

roxo cósmico, púrpura cósmica

having a deep and luxurious shade of purple, often associated with regality and elegance

roxo real, púrpura real