Könyv: Top Notch Kezdő B - 12. egység – 1. lecke
Itt találja a Top Notch Fundamentals B tankönyv 12. fejezetének 1. leckéjének szókészletét, például „megjelenés”, „barna”, „göndör” stb.
to give details about someone or something to say what they are like

leírni, bemutatni

a light, yellowish or grayish-yellow color that is often associated with hair color

szőke, világos

(of hair, skin, or eyes) characterized by a deep brown color that can range from light to very dark shades

sötét, mély

(of color) having less intensity, often because of a small amount of pigment

világos, könnyű

(of hair) having a slight curl or wave to it, creating a soft and gentle appearance

hullámos, göndör

(of a person) having a height that is less than what is thought to be the average height

alacsony, jogos

one of the things in our mouth that are hard and white and we use to chew and bite food with

fog, őrölt fog