Könyv: Top Notch Kezdő B - 13. egység – 1. lecke
Itt találja a 13. rész – 1. lecke szókincsét a Top Notch Fundamentals B tankönyvben, például „képesség”, „úszás”, „hangszer” stb.
the fact that one is able or possesses the necessary skills or means to do something

képesség, tehetség

a formal application or proposal made to an authority or organization for a particular action or decision

kérés, javaslat

to use one's voice in order to produce musical sounds in the form of a tune or song


a musical instrument, usually with six strings, that we play by pulling the strings with our fingers or with a plectrum


a musical instrument that we play by holding it under our chin and moving a bow across its strings


to move through water by moving parts of the body, typically arms and legs

úszni, úszást csinálni

to join two or more pieces of fabric or other materials together, often by using a needle and thread

varrni, összekötni

to create clothing, fabric, etc., typically from wool or thread, using a machine or a pair of long and thin needles

kötni, horgolni

to make a picture of something using a pencil, pen, etc. without coloring it

rajzolni, vázolni

to cover a surface or object with a colored liquid, usually for decoration

festeni, színezni

to control the movement and the speed of a car, bus, truck, etc. when it is moving

vezetni, irányítani

an object or device used for producing music, such as a violin or a piano

zenei hangszer, zeneszerszám

a large musical instrument of the violin family that is held upright and is played by pulling a bow across its strings


a musical instrument we play by pressing the black and white keys on the keyboard


a large wind instrument with a curved tube and a wide bore that produces the lowest pitches in the brass family


a musical instrument with a curved metal tube and one wide end, which is played by blowing into it while pressing and releasing its three buttons


a wind instrument consisting of a wide hollow end and a sliding metal tube used to vary the pitch and produce a wide range of tones


a tube-like musical instrument that is played by blowing over a hole while covering and uncovering its other holes


a musical instrument with a mouthpiece and keys, that is played by blowing into it


a simple wind instrument with a straight body and finger holes that produces a clear, sweet sound when air is blown through it

furulya, rekorder

a curved metal wind instrument that is played by blowing into it while pressing its buttons


a percussion instrument consisting of a row of wooden bars in different lengths set on a frame, played by a wooden or plastic mallet


a box-like musical instrument that is held in both hands and is played by squeezing and stretching it while pressing its keys
