Könyv: Summit 2A - 1. egység – 3. lecke
Itt találja a Summit 2A tankönyv 1. fejezetének 3. leckéjének szókincsét, például „dolgozzon a felé”, „realisztikus”, „ambiciózus” stb.
to give details about someone or something to say what they are like
leírni, bemutatni
a series of images, feelings, or events happening in one's mind during sleep
to accomplish or do something that was wished for, expected, or promised
teljesíteni, megvalósítani
to adjust something to be in a suitable or desired condition for a specific purpose or use
beállítani, állítani
to make an effort to achieve a particular goal
dolgozni vmiért, törekedni vmire
to go after someone or something, particularly to catch them
űzni, kergetni
to postpone an appointment or arrangement
elhalasztani, késleltetni
to distribute a portion of something among individuals, allowing each to possess or enjoy it
megosztani, elosztani
the obligation to perform a particular duty or task that is assigned to one
felelősség, kötelesség
trying or wishing to gain great success, power, or wealth
ambiciózus, ambiciózus
able to be carried out or obtained without much difficulty or expense
elérhető, megvalósítható
concerned with or based on something that is practical and achievable in reality
not boasting about one's abilities, achievements, or belongings
mérsékelt, szégyenlős
(of an objective or goal) too difficult or almost impossible to get or reach
elérhetetlen, megvalósíthatatlan
not in any way accurate or true to life
irreális, nem reális