Könyv: Solutions - Alapszint - 5-5A egység
Itt megtalálja a Megoldások alapfokú tankönyv 5. - 5A. részében található szókincset, például "könyvtár", "előtt", "parkoló" stb.
an area with human population that is smaller than a city and larger than a village

város, község

a large place where planes take off and land, with buildings and facilities for passengers to wait for their flights


a financial institution that keeps and lends money and provides other financial services


a place where multiple buses begin and end their journeys, particularly a journey between towns or cites

buszpályaudvar, buszmegálló

an area where people can leave their cars or other vehicles for a period of time

parkoló, parkolás

a building where firefighters stay and have the tools they need to help with fires and other emergencies

tűzoltóállomás, tűzoltó központ

a place with special equipment that people go to exercise or play sports

edizőterem, fitneszközpont

a large building where sick or injured people receive medical treatment and care

kórház, kórház (n)

a building where we give money to stay and eat food in when we are traveling

szálloda, panzió

a place in which collections of books and sometimes newspapers, movies, music, etc. are kept for people to read or borrow


a place where important cultural, artistic, historical, or scientific objects are kept and shown to the public


a large public place in a town or a city that has grass and trees and people go to for walking, playing, and relaxing

park, közparki terület

a place where we can send letters, packages, etc., or buy stamps

postahivatal, posta

an area of stores or a group of stores built together in one area

bevásárlóközpont, üzletközpont

a specially designed structure that holds water for people to swim in

uszoda, úszómedence

a place where trains regularly stop for passengers to get on and off

vasútállomás, állomás

a place where many kinds of animals are kept for exhibition, breeding, and protection

állatkert, zoológiai kert

in, into, or at the space that is separating two things, places, or people

között, középső

in a position at the front part of someone or something else or further forward than someone or something

előtt, a előtt