책 Solutions - 기초 - 유닛 5 - 5A
여기서는 "도서관", "앞", "주차장" 등과 같은 Solutions Elementary 코스북의 단원 5 - 5A의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
a large place where planes take off and land, with buildings and facilities for passengers to wait for their flights


a place where multiple buses begin and end their journeys, particularly a journey between towns or cites

버스 정류장, 버스 터미널

an area where people can leave their cars or other vehicles for a period of time

주차장, 주차 공간

a building where firefighters stay and have the tools they need to help with fires and other emergencies

소방서, 소방 station

a place in which collections of books and sometimes newspapers, movies, music, etc. are kept for people to read or borrow


a place where important cultural, artistic, historical, or scientific objects are kept and shown to the public


a large public place in a town or a city that has grass and trees and people go to for walking, playing, and relaxing

공원, 도시 공원

a place where many kinds of animals are kept for exhibition, breeding, and protection

동물원, 동물원